School Communication
A newsletter is available by email each fortnight. News, forthcoming events and matters we think will be of interest to parents are contained in these notices. Families without email access can collect a hard copy from the school office. We also regularly send out communication via email, SMS and Facebook.
Parent/Teacher Communication
At the commencement of each school year, all classes organise a parent/teacher afternoon or evening. This meeting is an opportunity for parents to meet with their child’s teacher/s and gain an understanding of classroom procedures and programming for the year and how they can support your child’s learning throughout the year. During the course of the year, teachers will communicate with parents via email, informal meetings, phone calls or interviews as described below.
School Reports
Written reports are issued twice per year; at the end of each semester. The information contained in the report is a summary of your child’s achievement and effort in learning areas studied during the semester. The report is one of a number of strategies used by our school to communicate with you throughout the year about your child’s achievement, effort and behaviour. Parent interviews will be offered at the end of Term 1 and 2 and also available upon request at any time.